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The Shadow of the Temple


The earliest Jerusalem Church in the 30's AD was composed of Jews who knew the Law and the Prophets by heart. The rabbis had declared in the Talmud, "All the prophets prophesied of nothing but of the days of the Christ." Although there were no written New-Testament scriptures for two or three decades, the most powerful Church Christianity has ever seen, was able to find Christ abundantly in the Old Testament. As the apostles faded off the scene, knowledge of the books of the Law of Moses began to diminish and wither. Some modern Christian denominations today almost completely disregard Moses. Dennis Moel asserts that this ignorance has hampered the Church. Moel has plumbed the riches of the Law to give us delightful and insightful pictures of God's deep meanings from the Old Covenant, unearthing dozens of facts about the Temple that will thrill you. He has gone BACK to the New Testament. Dennis Moel was raised a Jew in Frankfort, Kentucky, but his knowledge of Judaism and of the Bible was miniscule. Coming to Christ at the age of 28 transformed his life. While serving as a pastor and family counselor, he has also devoted himself to espousing the riches of God's Word. His three children appear in illustrations in the book.

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All the Way out of Babylon:

Re-ordering the Church


Pastor Dennis Moel, a Christian Jew, considers today’s Church at the end of the times of the gentiles, seeing that it is far from the original, powerful work in Jerusalem. Through the centuries, it has passed through Judaism, Constantine, Catholicism, Luther, Calvin, Pentecostalism, charismatic renewal, and more, becoming corrupted by human inventions and traditions, no longer resembling its glorious beginning. Moel offers many corrective measures to restore the Church from its Babylonian Captivity. That the beautiful Church of Yeshua-Jesus has declined to a system of formality, religiosity, custom, tradition, ritual and routine is what the Almighty has been correcting little-by-little since Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. It is the purpose of this work to expose the apostate teachings and rules to which God’s Church has become accustomed, and to encourage the reader to be liberated from the bondage of Babylon.

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Satan, the Devil, Demons, and Hell


There are great numbers of Jews, Christians, and Muslims who hold to a strong belief that there exists a great, evil, spirit being known as Satan.  They believe that Satan is king over evil spirits, known as demons.  It is widely believed that their abode, which is also the ever-lasting dwelling place of the wicked dead humans, is a burning hell.


Dennis Moel has considered just about every reference, mention, and allusion to them that are found in the Holy Bible.  Along the way he demonstrates that biblical uses of these are symbolic language, metaphors, and allegories.  Moel staunchly believes that the Old and the New Testaments references to them are absolutely correct, and he carefully explains each of them clearly and simply.

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L'Ombre du Temple

(French Version)


La première Église de Jérusalem des année 30 'AD était composée de Juifs qui connaissaient la loi et les Prophètes par coeur. Les rabbins avait déclaré dans le Talmud: "Tous les prophètes prophétisaient de rien d'autre que des jours de Christ." Bien qu'il n'y avait pas des écritures écrites Nouveau-Testament pendant deux ou trois décennies, la plus puissante Église que le christianisme ait jamais vu, réussit à trouver Christ en abondance dans l'Ancien Testament.

Comme les apôtres disparurent de la scène, la connaissance des livres de la Loi de Moïse commença à diminuer et se flétrir. Certaines confessions chrétiennes modernes aujourd'hui ignore Moïse presque complètement. Dennis Moel affirme que cette ignorance a entravé l'Église.

Moel a sondé les richesses de la Loi pour nous donner des images magnifiques et perspicaces des significations profondes de Dieu de à de l'Ancienne Alliance, dénicher des dizaines de faits au sujet du temple qui vous raviront. Il est RETOURNÉ au Nouveau Testament.


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Why Bad Things Happen

to God's People


Into every life, some rain must fall” is a true statement. But, what about people who look to God Almighty, who believe in Him and are devoted to Him? Should tragedies and accidents befall them? Should sickness or business or family crises come upon them? Where was God when misfortune came in with a flood? Where was He to be found? Can the “child of God” expect divine help or comfort or compensation?


Dennis Moel has beautifully answered these questions and more as he discusses his and others’ disastrous and heart-breaking times. Reading this book will strengthen your faith and trust in God and His awesome power.


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The History of Discipleship Book Image.j

The History of Discipleship


Dennis Moel goes into some detail of the practice of discipling in ancient Israel, especially after the Babylonian Captivity and the creation of a new entity among the Jews: the synagogue. He shows how Jesus of Nazareth was raised in Israel when making disciples was customary. Then, he

shows how he adapted this form of teaching for his own disciples. Finally, Moel demonstrates how Paul spread this teaching technique in all his churches, the restoration of which has been intended for the Church in these last days. This may be his most important contribution to Christianity

to date.


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